True North Strong and Free : Travels and Travails in Canada
by Sean Mendis
Following my somewhat
involuntary exile to Canada in April, my travel plans took somewhat of a
beating and I wound up being grounded for 62 days, the longest that I have
been away from an aircraft in almost 7 years. Hence, when on June 15 I
heard about a promotion being offered by the new Canadian discount airline
"JetsGo" offering free flights the following day, I just had to grab
myself a freebie to Vancouver and back. I arrived at Terminal 3 around
745am for the 9am flight subconsciously expecting to be surreptiously
grabbed by a bunch of mounties and whisked away to a back room for
questioning, but the only representative of officialdom at that hour was a
greying parking warden with a potbelly that didn't quite strike
apprehension into me. In addition to being only the third day of
operations for JetsGo, it was also the second day of Tango's relocation to
Terminal 3 - meaning that there were a number of very confused passengers
(and employees) wandering around the lobby seeking the appropriate
area. I located the counters for
JetsGo quickly enough, but decided to hang back a bit before checking in.
In the meanwhile, I spotted a friend who was also flying these flights and
headed over to establish contact with him. I then proceeded to the
counters where I checked in for my outbound flights. The girl at the
counter was somewhat taken aback when I said "No checked bags, no carry
ons", but issued my boarding pass for the exit row without any
hassles. Security was a breeze since I
had absolutely nothing on me and I headed down to the gate area. We were
separated from the transborder sterile area by a simple glass partition,
which brought the classic cliche "So close, yet so far" to mind. I stopped
at the news stand to pick up a copy of the Toronto Star and the latest
issue of Airliners magazine, and then moseyed over to the television set
at a nearby bar where the highlights of a World Cup game were being
screened. Our aircraft today was C-GKLN,
a former Korean Air MD-83 which had been repainted in JetsGo's ugly
livery. Their corporate identity appeared to have been built around a
horrendous shade of lime green, surpassed in tackiness only by a
perennially annoying smiley face that stared out of every piece of
corporate propoganda, an oversized variant of which benignly watched upon
the huddled masses yearning to board from its vantage point high atop the
vertical stabilizer. Evidently JetsGo's no-frills operating environment
extended to their catering as well, and I watched with amusement as they
attempted to lift cardboard cartons through the rear galley door using a
belt loader. Boarding did not commence
until 10 minutes before scheduled departure time, meaning that a delay was
virtually assured. In the interest of frugality, the same agents who were
working checkin now relocated to the gate area. Boarding was somewhat
organized thanks to the assigned seating and I wandered down the jetway at
the end of the process. The interior of the aircraft
was decorated along the same lines as the exterior, with seats upholstered
in a neutral blue color, but with the inevitable giant lime green smiley
face emblazoned on the bulkhead in a subtle reminder that Big Brother was
watching you. The cabin crew today consisted of 4 of Quebec's finest
female specimens, smartly decked out in (you guessed it) lime green shirts
and black trousers/skirts. A somewhat professional look was provided by
their black leather jackets, but those too were adorned by a button
sporting the omnipresent lime green smiley face. The doors soon closed and we
pushed back as the Flight Attendants attempted to pantomime the safety
demo in both French and Anglais. I tried to locate a safety card in my
seat pocket to follow along, but unfortunately it appeared that it had
either been pilfered by the previous occupant or dispensed with as a form
of cost-cutting, so I was forced to borrow my seatmates. Formalities
dispensed with, we headed to runway 23 and took off right behind an Air
Canada 747 headed to Vancouver and the El Al 777 headed to Los Angeles
with an announced flying time of a shade over 4 and a half
hours. Once airborne, the service
(sic) began. For the benefit of passengers whose appetites had not already
been ruined by the color scheme, a menu card was provided in the seat
pocket that listed a range of epicuniary delicacies conveniently listed
below yet another nauseating lime green smiley face. I decided to splurge
and purchased BOTH a Coke AND a Baguette, noting to my disappointment that
my loonie only bought me a plastic cupful rather than the entire can. The
Baguette was actually pretty decent and fresh, and well worth its price
tag of $4. Interestingly, the entire service was conducted from 757
surplus galley carts emblazoned with the logo of Michel LeBlanc's last
foray into the airline business - Royal Airlines. As we climbed out over Western
Ontario, the inflight entertainment began. This consisted of passengers
getting sick of halfheartedly leafing through their reading material and
striking up a conversation with their seatmates instead. The gentleman
seated beside me was a realtor from Vancouver Island who was a decent
enough guy, except that his personality was totally devoid of any
interesting traits, a handicap that I am sure has driven many of his
conversations to an early grave over the years. My token effort at
conversation exhausted, I alternated my attention between the scenery and
my magazine and chatted with my friend. We discussed the state of the
industry for about an hour, but I eventually tired of the scathing glare
from the lime green smiley face upon the bulkhead everytime I said
something good about Air Canada. The last hour of the flight
was by far the most picturesque, with splendid views of the Cascades
followed by a loop over Vancouver Island as we descended. The crew's
unfamiliarity with the aircraft showed on short finals to 08L as we came
in really fast and bounced twice before finally settling down on the
runway after 4h51m of flying time. I won't swear to it, but I think the
lime green smiley face on the bulkhead actually scowled for a brief
instant. We taxied halfway around the
airport, passing the Air Canada 747 that had departed Toronto immediately
ahead of us but had arrived well in advance and finally pulled into one of
WestJet's gates at the absolute ass-end of concourse B. Unfortunately, our
pilot had accidently taxied the aircraft too far forward and the jetbridge
would not align with the door despite much manuevering. We waited another
10 minutes while the WestJet rampers found a pushback tug and moved us
back the requisite few feet. Of course, we were now a good hour behind our
scheduled arrival, meaning that I had the grand total of negative five
minutes to checkin for my return flight. Alas, the agents meeting the
flight were WestJet employees with no clue about JetsGo checkin, forcing
me to sprint all the way to the checkin area at the main
terminal. I was supposed to meet up with
another friend during my brief layover, but fortunately she was also
running late, so we established telephonic contact and agreed to take a
raincheck. I then set about trying to locate the JetsGo checkin desks.
Inevitably, as would be expected for a carrier serving 5 destinations, all
in Canada, this was located in the International terminal. The checkin
procedure was a joke, with the agent ticking my name off a list and
handing me a blank boarding pass with the seat number 20B scribbled on it
in crayon. The lines at security were
somewhat lengthy by the time I got back there, leading me to momentarily
worry that the flight might leave without me. I quickly reminded myself
that this airline was hardly a paradigm of efficiency and the anxiety
passed quicker than you could say RootsAir. The security stooge at the
front of the line would not let me through without an AIF receipt, so I
spent another 5 minutes arguing with him that a same-day connection did
not require payment of the fee. A supervisor was summoned who agreed with
me and I finally slithered through security and set off for the gate a
good 30 minutes later than the scheduled departure time. Arriving at the gate, I
observed that the flight had not even begun boarding, so I grabbed a coke
from a nearby vendor and sat back to take in my surroundings. As I
watched, an aging ex-Piedmont 732 operated by Air North arrived from
Whitehorse and discharged its human cargo. Other flights on the arrivals
board listed stations with names like Sandspit, Smithers and Dawson's
Creek (wasn't that a WB show???). Finally, around 1pm (for an 1155am
departure), we were marshaled back upon the plane and I headed to my seat
located right beside the rear galley of the aircraft. As I settled down, I overheard
two of the Flight Attendants behind me chatting in French, which they
didn't realize that I understood. In brief, they were trying to figure out
why I was flying right back to Toronto with no luggage. One theory was
that I was a Transportation Canada inspector, but in the end they decided
to call security aboard to check me out. A short Asian guy in the uniform
of a private security company came aboard a few minutes later and asked me
to accompany him to the galley where we were joined by the co-pilot and
two of the Flight Attendants. I was asked to present ID (which really made
no sense since there was obviously no way to corelate it to my crayon
inscribed boarding pass) and explain the reason for my trip. I returned to
my seat to note that the window was now occupied by a very elderly asian
gentleman who spoke no English. Or French. Or anything other than the
language he spoke, which alas we couldn't figure out what it was so we
couldn't check if anyone else spoke it. I'm sure that the lime green
smiley face on the bulkhead did, but he didn't volunteer. We finally pushed back just
shy of 130pm, were quickly airborne and set course for Toronto. The
service (sic) was similar to that of the outbound flight, except that the
baguettes were now stale. Since my seatmate spoke no English, I had no
access to a window and I had already exhausted my reading material on the
outbound sector, my only option to pass the time was to leaf through the
propoganda package in the seat pocket. It explained the virtues of
JetsGo's creed of "SIMPLiFLY" ("LE SIMPLiVOL" for the Francophones) which
can be summed up as "Give 'em nothing and charge 'em for the rest". I then
decided to nap, which I did for an hour, awakening about 90 minutes out of
Toronto. I headed to the rear lav to freshen up, noting with amusement the
stowage units at the rear that were emblazoned with large KOREAN AIR
logos. How long before the lime green smiley face invades here as
well? On the way back to my seat, I
was pulled aside by the Flight Attendants who began chatting about airline
unions. Evidently the frugality of SIMPLiFLY extended towards employee
relations as well. It's not exactly a positive sign to see your employees
discussing unionization on day three of operations. Michel, pay note mon
ami. There was nary a cloud in the sky as we circled the northern suburbs
and touched down about 30 minutes behind schedule. I was grateful to
finally disembark. 10 hrs aboard an MD83 is not something that a
non-masochistic sane person should regularly schedule themselves
for. A couple weeks later, I needed
to head back to Vancouver at short notice. One trip on JetsGo had taught
me that there was no way I could subject myself to another longhaul with
them, so Air Canada won my business this time around. Unfortunately, there
was no availability on the nonstops at the times I needed, but we came up
with an itinerary that had me overnighting in Edmonton and heading to
Vancouver on the first flight the next morning. I was scheduled for the 230pm
flight, but since my ride deposited me at Pearson early, I figured that I
would try to standby for the noon flight instead. It was looking pretty
full, but the agent put me on the standby list and told me to head to the
gate and try my luck anyway. Security was a breeze again, and I arrived at
gate 211 just as the inbound Airbus was arriving from Halifax. The next 30 minutes were
typical of the routine of a standby passenger trying to get on a full
flight. You pace. You chew your nails. You glare at other folks in the
gate area silently wishing them to drop dead so you can get their seat.
You tense everytime the gate agent picks up the microphone for a PA
announcement. Until finally the ceremonial calling of the names is upon
you, and the lucky chosen few make their way to the podium amidst
rapturous applause to collect their well-earned boarding passes.
Thankfully, my name was one of those selected today, and I received my the
appropriate document assigning me seat 14F. Just as boarding was about to
commence, the skies turned grey and a deluge began. Alas, due to the
dangers involved with the lightning, all ramp work was suspended for 20
minutes until the shower passed, meaning that we were going to take a
delay. During the delay, I noticed that a couple of official looking men
in suits had walked up to the gate area and spoke with the agent at the
counter, but didn't think much about it. Boarding finally began just
around 1230pm and I headed to the podium as my row number was called. And
then all hell broke loose.... I handed my boarding pass over
to the agent who fed it to the scanner and welcomed me aboard. As I
stepped onto the jetbridge, I heard one of the official looking guys in
the suit yell "HALT!". I turned and saw that both of them had jumped up
from their chairs in the waiting area and were running towards me, as were
3 uniformed officers from the Peel Regional Police, all with their
holsters unsnapped and hands on their guns. One of the men in a suit
ordered the agent to stop boarding, while the uniformed officers
surrounded me and asked me to come with them. I was escorted to a small room
just to the side of the gate where I was quizzed by the Peel officers
about my background and the reason for my trip. The official looking guys
were also present, but neither of them said a word to me. I gave them the
information that they requested, and the official looking guys disappeared
for a minute along with the female Peel officer. In the meanwhile, I tried
to find out from the other officers what was going on. Turns out that they
were equally in the dark about it. They had simply received a message to
assist CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) at gate 211. No more
than 5 minutes later, the female officer returned saying that everything
had checked out ok and that I was clear to proceed. She explained that
they were on special alert because of the international summit in Alberta
that week and apologized for the inconvenience. That's class. The two guys
in suits simply faded away into the woodwork. The entire encounter took
less than 10 minutes. I headed back to the gate
where boarding was still suspended and was allowed to proceed. Needless to
say, some of the passengers who had witnessed this were very white faced,
but the Peel officers did a great job explaining that everything was under
control. I thanked them for their professionalism and headed onto the
aircraft. Today's plane was C-GIUB, a six month old baby of the fleet.
This being my first time aboard an A321, I was interested to see how it
looked, but the interior simply reminded me of a 757. I located my seat
and settled into the window beside an elderly couple from
Quebec. We were airborne quickly
enough with an announced flying time of 3h45m. The crew came around soon
afterward offering free headphones, so I relaxed with some light music and
watched the airshow on the flip-down overhead screens. The airshow
transitioned to a news magazine and then to the movie "Monsters, Inc" as
the crew came around serving lunch. The meal today was a decent pasta
featuring chicken, although the desert was a nasty concoction that reeked
of molasses. The movie, which I had watched multiple times before but
never tired of, was excellent as usual and the overall flight experience
was very positive. With about 30 minutes left in
the flight, we began our descent over the Alberta prairies. A quick shower
had left them freshly washed in the bright sunlight and I truly began to
appreciate the vastness and natural beauty of Canada. I ran through the
words of "Oh Canada" in my mind and significance of "The True North strong
and free" finally came to me. We descended further and signs of
civilization appeared more and more frequently until we touched down and
taxied to the terminal. My rental car was waiting and
I was on the road quickly enough. The drive into town was pleasant and I
was actually pretty impressed by the city. I checked in at the Sheraton
Grande Edmonton and was assigned a pleasant corner room. Having just over
an hour to kill before my dinner meeting, I decided to head out to the
famous West Edmonton Mall. The friendly concierge provided directions and
the traffic was minimal. I didn't have too much time to explore, but I did
manage to pick up a pair of sunglasses (no PST in Alberta!). The mall
itself was very impressive and absolutely HUGE. It puts even the Mall Of
America in Minneappolis to shame for sheer size. Back in my room, Sheraton had
delivered turndown service which included a cute packet of M&Ms tied
up with a ribbon and placed on my pillow. I stayed up for a couple hours
watching the local news from across the border in Spokane and finally
turned in for the night around 11pm. To my surprise, it was still sunlight
outside, undoubtedly a result of our location at 54 degrees latitude North
of the equator. A 620am flight translated to a
4am wakeup call, so I stumbled bleary-eyed through a shower before
checking out and hitting the road. The sun was already peeking out at this
Godforsaken early hour, another subtle reminder of our Northerly latitude.
As I drove south on Calgary Trail, the radio began playing Celine Dion.
"Hush hush... a new day has come...." As the sun rose over the vast
Alberta prairie, for a brief instant it seemed such an appropriate
Canadian song. But then I snapped out of it. Good grief man, CELINE DION!
I found Metallica on another channel and breathed a sigh of relief, secure
in my masculinity for another day. Rental car return went
smoothly and I arrived at the terminal around 540am. The lines at the
domestic and transborder areas were horrendous, but thankfully the Calgary
and Vancouver flights had a seperate counter by the security checkpoint. I
tried using the kiosk to checkin, but unfortunately there had been a snafu
with my reservation the previous day when listing me for standby and the
agent had to deal with it manually. By the time this was done, it was past
6am and I was getting a bit concerned. I cleared security after a brief
wait, but no problems, and sprinted down the concourse to my gate where
the agent was just about to close the door. I raced aboard the deserted
C-FTJP panting heavily and settled myself into an empty row near the rear.
Flying time on this short segment was a very brief 22 minutes, but the
crew managed to do an entire newspaper service and a drink service. We
touched down in Calgary ahead of schedule and taxied to the terminal,
passing a number of VIP aircraft along the way that were in town for the
summit. Notable among them were South African President Thabo Mbeki's
business jet and the twin Boeing 747-47Cs of the Japan Air Self-Defence
Force that would transport Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder to Tokyo in time for the World Cup
Soccer finals. I had just under an hour to
kill in Calgary, so I headed to the food court in the main terminal to
grab some breakfast. Alas, I failed to consider that the line at security
might grow exponentially while I was eating. I returned to find that it
snaked its way almost all the way to the domestic checkin area. Needless
to say, I sweated bullets as I slowly made my way through the checkpoint
and then sprinted to the gate, again the last passenger aboard. Our aircraft today was C-GCPQ,
a 1980 vintage ex-Canadian aircraft. I felt a twinge of nostalgia as I
stepped aboard to see the bulkhead saying "Canadi>n Business". This
flight was also pretty empty, so I wandered to the rear and plonked myself
down in one of the last rows. As we taxied out, I dozed off, awakening
only when the sweet flight attendant informed me that we were landing
soon. I was impressed to note that while I had been asleep, she had draped
a blanket over me and raised the armrest so I could have more space. I
headed to the lav for a quick freshen-up, returning to find that she had
saved me a cup of orange juice from the drink service in case I wanted
something before we arrived. Vancouver was very overcast,
obscuring all view of the island as we made our approach and touched down
on 08L again. I exited into the terminal and headed straight to the
Airporter counter where I purchased a roundtrip to downtown. The bus
arrived minutes later and the drive into town was quick and painless.
After a brief connection at the Marriott to a smaller bus, I was deposited
at the Westin Grand right around 10am. The Westin Grand Vancouver is
a wonderful all-suites hotel located at the intersection of Homer and
Robson, an excellent location within walking distance of pretty much
everywhere except Stanley Park. I had called earlier to arrange an early
check-in and the front desk staff were extremely friendly and courteous as
they gave me the keys to my corner suite. The suite consisted of a
bedroom with a King size "Heavenly Bed", a living room furnished with a
small dining table, couch and chairs; a mini-kitchen with microwave,
dishwasher, fridge, dishes and silverware and of course, a nice large
bathroom with seperate oversized tub and "Heavenly Shower". The living
room had full-length glass windows that provided a panoramic view of the
Harbor and the mountains beyond. Extremely cozy and definitely a hotel I'd
love to come back to next time in Vancouver. I took a quick nap and then
headed out for my lunch meeting. After lunch, I wandered through GasTown
and ChinaTown, noting with interest the many similarities to San
Francisco. I picked up some fresh BBQ Pork along with some stuffed buns
from there and headed back to the hotel just as the heavens opened. The
evening was spent watching TV quietly and sipping on some drinks from the
overpriced minibar. It beats getting wet in the rain, plus I earn valuable
Starpoints! My original itinerary had me
leaving Vancouver around noon and connecting through Calgary, but I
decided to try my luck and standby for this nonstop instead. The Westin
was gracious enough to grant me a late checkout, and I spent an enjoyable
morning exploring more of Vancouver before grabbing a Shawarma for lunch.
I checked out around 2pm and hopped on the Airporter, arriving back at the
airport just after 3pm. Checkin was smooth enough and the agent was able
to confirm me on the alternate flight since it was wide open. He also
informed me that the aircraft would be ship 904, C-FYLD in the STAR
Alliance livery, due inbound from Hong Kong at 345pm. With just over 2 hours to
kill, I headed to the bookstore and browsed for a while before proceeding
to the C concourse security checkpoint. I purchased my AIF ticket from the
machine and security had no hiccups. Walking down towards gate C37, my
heart sank as I saw a Maple Leaf on the tail of the parked aircraft,
rather than the expected Star. I turned the corner and the heart sank even
further to see just a single Trent on the wing rather than the pair of
hairdryers.. oops CFM56s. Alas, Air Canada had substituted an A330 in lieu
of out scheduled plane due to late arrival of the aircraft from
Asia. My date with destiny cruelly
shattered, I retired to a corner and sulked for a while with a Venti
Chocolate Brownie Frappucino as my comfort food. Interestingly enough, I
spotted a vintage Lufthansa 747-200 D-ABYX taki out for departure. I
thought they had retired all of those? I snapped out of my reverie as
boarding was called and wandered aboard C-GFAJ towards the tail end of the
process. My seat today was 31K, the exit row window and I settled down
next to a very sleepy Asian student who had just come in from Hong
Kong. Our taxi out to the threshold
of runway 26L seemed to take forever, but we had a great view of Singapore
Airlines' 777 coming in from Seoul as we headed out. I began chatting with
the Flight Attendant on the jumpseat across from me and found out that
this was another ex-Canadi>n crew. We were finally airborne just after
630pm and our 4h flight time meant that we would be arriving into Pearson
right around 130am. As we headed East into the
darkness of the prairie night, we were served dinner. The entree was a
very tasty grilled chicken breast with potatoes and vegetable, accompanied
by a strawberry flavored dessert. During the service, the movie "High
Crimes" with Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman was shown on the overhead
screens. Decent movie, but nothing to write home about. Meal and movie
complete, I headed to the rear galley to chat with the crew. We had a very
enjoyable and frank discussion about a number of issues facing the industy
ranging from the AC-CP seniority integration, the merits of multiple
brands such as Tango and Zip, the new fixed-fee relationship between Air
Canada and Jazz, etc... Finally, around 1am EST, we
began our descent into Pearson and I returned to my seat. The cabin was
completely dark, so the lights of the city stood out like diamonds
twinkling on a bed of soot. We touched down smoothly and taxied to a
deserted Terminal 2. I had reserved a room at the Airport Hilton in
anticipation of a late night arrival, and I headed off to the shuttle
stop. I was joined a few minutes later by a young F28 First Officer for AC
Jazz who had just come in from Saskatoon and we struck up a
conversation. At one point, the subject
turned towards the A330 and he mentioned that he had never flown aboard a
widebody. I was stunned. What about nonrev benefits? Don't you get to fly
to Europe for free in Business Class? He proceeded to explain that he was
married with a new baby, and commuted to a Toronto base from his home in
Winnipeg. After all the taxes and charges on non-rev travelers with his
seniority, he simply couldn't afford to take the family on a vacation, let
alone international on a widebody. I stayed silent, but was reminded yet
again that for every high-profile pilot that takes home $300/hr for
working 2 weeks a month with weekends in the European capitals, there are
dozens of others like him who work their tails off for low wages and
terrible hours. To them, a good trip is the 18hr layover in Sault Ste.
Marie. And when they stumble home at 3am after 2 weeks of shuttling people
between every remote city in Western Ontario that you haven't even heard
of, they realize that they missed their baby's first words. That's the
true life of airline crew, not the glittering champagne and caviar image
that most people love to portray. My shuttle for the Hilton
arrived and the smartly attired driver hopped out, offering to help me
with my luggage. As he stowed it in the back, another van pulled up, this
one for a generic airport inn. My new friend turned towards me and took my
leave, hefting his own flightbag into the back seat as the driver
impatiently drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, no doubt eager to
return to whatever TV show had been interrupted to make this pickup. As he
folded his jacket over his sleeve and took off his uniform cap, for a
brief moment I felt as if I saw a twinge of envy in his eyes. But it soon
faded, replaced by a pride in his job and his uniform. He shook my hand
firmly, thanked me for choosing Air Canada and we set off in our
respective vans. The front desk at the Hilton
was being manned by a trainee, but she did an excellent job of checking me
in smoothly and giving me coupons for breakfast as well as for cocktails
at the now closed bar. I trotted up to my room, kicked off my shoes,
grabbed a beer from the minibar and walked over to my window. I had a
great view of the tarmac and an Air Canada facility which sported a huge
neon Maple Leaf shining out through the darkness, a visible symbol of
Canadiana for everyone to see. I smiled again. The True North was indeed
strong and free. Home Trip Reports Index Whine And Cheez Index Discussion Forums
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