All I wanted
to write someone's Trip Report
by chexfan
I (chexfan) was able to entertain my parents for a
few days during their first trip to visit me since I moved
to Seattle nearly two years ago. This Trip Report will be from their
perspective going forward...
user changes perspective)
We had been trying to make it out to Seattle for some
time to visit little chexy. Fares from BDL and PVD would fluctuate quite often.
We had our family’s travel expert keep an eye out for us,
and he was able to nail down a good fare from Hartford-Bradley on
Delta through Cincinnatti. Friday June 28
into the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport was as scheduled. Being at
the back of the bus, it took us some time to get off. As we were told by lil chexy we
headed toward the signs for baggage claim. We figured with all of his power and
fame he would have been there to meet us at the gate, but
he wasn’t. As we exited the terminal, we instantly saw our chexfan. I mean, he
is so tall with strikingly amazing good looks, how could he not stick out like
a sore thumb? As soon as he saw the two of us, he brushed
aside the girls that were flocked around and came to greet us.
He didn’t have any welcome gifts for us, but we’d let him slide
on that one.
It didn’t surprise us that we were greeted to the Emerald City with
rain. But seeing as it was nearly 2 am our time, it really didn’t matter.
Our amazingly thoughtful son had arranged the use of some of his hard earned
hotel points to take care of our hotel so we wouldn’t have
to pay for a place to stay during our visit. Is he the
greatest or what?
Since he was moving
out of his Paradise Ranch, they were throwing a moving out party. We were invited
to meet all of his friends but we politely declined blaming the fact of
how late it was, when in reality we just didn’t want to
be summoned back to Seattle as witnesses for a court case later on
in the year! We
arrived at the Homewood Suites about 18 minutes after getting into the car at Sea-Tac.
Lil chexy never stayed there before but I guess this place had come
highly reccommended by his friend coconuts (sp?). He had already checked in for us, so
we just went directly to our room on the 4th floor. Having never stayed at
a Homewood Suites before, we were amazed at the size of the room… no
suite. The kitchenette, the living room, were all unexpected. It was close
to this time when I realized why lil chexy is the favorite of
our three sons. Saturday June 29: Our First Day in the
Emerald City
Our first Seattle experience was a trip to Pike Place Market. As
lil chexy drove around looking for a parking spot we were astonished to see how
hilly Seattle was. We had read in our Lonely Planet guide book (which our
wonderful son gave us earlier to prepare for the trip) that Seattle
was settled on seven hills, like Rome, but the slope on these suckers
was quite steep. We parked
near 1st and Stewart and walked down 1st to Pike where we turned and saw
the famous Publice Market Center sign. We had an amazing
time just walking around the Market seeing the quintessential Seattle things! Of course we stood
in amazement of the folks throwing the fish. But the freshness and the
cheap price of the flowers was what truly shocked us. We told lil chexy that
he should stop here to pick up flowers before he takes any girls out. It
was just so much fun to walk through tasting. The produce was so fresh
and at such great prices that we had to pick up a
half pound of Ranier and Chelan cherries which are impossible to find on
the east coast.
After we walked around inside
the market, we continued to amble outside where we wondered past the first Starbucks
and stopped at Piroshky Piroshky and picked up an apple tart for
nibbling along the way. We walked back up to first and headed back
to the chexmobile.
Our super hosting tourguide then took us to Pioneer Square. We
went and got our tickets for the 12p Underground Tour. We initially weren’t too keen
on the idea of this Underground Tour, but a number of friends back home told
us it was done quite well and that it was a good laugh while
being quite informative. Having some time to kill, we walked around the
Pioneer Square area admiring the architecture. As it approached 12p, we headed to
the Underground Tour. When the
tour was over it was nearing 2p and we were all feeling a bit hungry. Lil
chexy gave us some options for lunch and we settled for Mexican. He drove
us a bit away from downtown to a place Gordito’s Healthy Mexican. As we walked toward the restaurant
after parking we were greeted by a long line extending out the door. We were
amazed, but this didn’t shock our wonderful son. We looked at the menu
and made our choices. We were surprised that lil chexy didn’t order anything for lunch.
When we asked him why he didn’t order anything, he replied, “I’ll be eating yours!”
At the time, we didn’t understand what he meant but in a few moments
we saw the gi-normous sized portions that Gordito’s served. He would definitely
be 100% correct in his guess that we wouldn’t be able to eat
everything by ourselves.
Following Gordito’s, lil chexy drove us to his new place
near Green Lake then on to his old place at Paradise Ranch. The other Ranchers
were still moving out of the house and we were quite astonished to how nice
of a place they all had lived for two years. I was able to
meet a few of the commune members who had just been “names”
until then. They all realized how lucky they were to live with such
a great person!
After our trip to visit Paradise
Ranch, our most chexcellent tour guide took us through Ballard to the Hiram
B. Crittenden Locks. It was such a beautiful day and the boats were everywhere waiting
for their turn through the locks. At the Locks, we were quite excited to go
see the fish ladder. To say that we were in awe of the amount
of Sokeye running, would be an understatement. The viewing window of the
ladder was filled with salmon and we were quite intrigued by watching them
battle the water.
On the way out we drove through the Fremont section and
stopped for a picture with The Troll. Again, Seattle didn’t fail to surprise us.
Seeing the small picture and hearing stories did not prepare us for
this thing. This Troll is enormous! We made the requisite picture posing and
continued our way…
The time had crept close to 4:30 and
we decided to go to the vigil mass at St. James Cathedral. One good
thing of having children throughout the United States is the ability to
visit new churches. This Cathedral was quite nice, but not one of our
favorites. Oh well. Following
mass, our lil chexy dropped us off at the Homewood Suites where we could
freshen up for dinner. Lil chexy did the same and came back a little after
8pm to pick us up for dinner. Our tourguide and his friend took us along
Western Avenue and across the Ballard Bridge, past the Locks and into Silshole Bay to Ray’s Boathouse.
All the reviews of Ray’s were very encouraging and excellent. Our lil chexy made an
executive decision earlier in the day to go to the café upstairs that
is less pretentious than the dining room downstairs and we couldn’t have agreed more. Our
very forward thinking son had secured reservations for the four of us and we were
seated almost immediately upon informing the hostess that we had arrived. We were seated
along the glass facing west looking out onto the Olympic Penninsula where
the sun was still up and our first sight of the Olympics or
Cascades was had! Somehow,
since moving to Seattle our son has developed a taste for trying different
foods. Growing up he was the pickiest child to feed, we always feared that
he would never grow up to be a big boy, but we were wrong. So in
phonecalls leading to our trip out to the Emerald City, he said “I’m gonna
make you try sushi”. But we drew the lie at raw fish! As
a compromise our adventurous son ordered the seared Ahi Tuna as an appetizer. He made
us try the nearly raw fish. TO be honest, it wasn’t that bad,
but still not up to our tastes. Chexy and his friend finished off the starter
before the salads came. Our dinners came some time afterwards as lil chexy and his
friend were on their fourth drinks. At the end of the main course, we
could understand why one reviewer said, “A visit to Seattle w/o visiting
Ray’s is like going to Paris and not seeing the Eiffel Tower.” It
was that good!
Among the four
of us, we split two desserts that were equally as tasty. We
finished the meal off with some coffee, tea and appertifs and we were
on our way!
Our tour guide and driver dropped
us off at the hotel and we planned when and where to meet
for Sunday’s touring! Sunday June 30: Nature
It was to
be a day that would log a lot of miles on the poor chexmobile, but one
that we really weren’t knowing what we were getting into. Our first
destination of the day, was Mount St. Helens, the volcano which erupted on
May 18, 1980. We exited onto State Road 504 and drove headed east! The
drive out was initially was unexciting
and to be honest, seemingly a waste of time. Then as the car began to
climb, we past the signs noting the 1000 foot elevation change. We were
heading into the Cascades! About 20 miles into the drive off of I-5 the road
became quiet and the views became more distinct. Besides the numerous Weyerhauser signs that lined
the road, the views from the car became more breathtaking… and it wasn’t even
a clear day. After an hour of driving east we arrived at
the Johnston Ridge Observatory at miles post 54 4800 vertical feet higher and
18 degrees cooler.
It was a fairly clear day in the immediate area, but
our view was blocked by clouds 3 miles in the distance. We first walked into
the visitor center and paid for 3 admissions. Before handing over the money, our brilliant
and foreward thinking son pulled out his Northwest Forest Pass which gave him admission
for free, saving us $3. He was very excited to also receive
a special “Administrative Guest” sticker to wear instead of the orange wristbands everyone
else had on.
After about 10 minutes poking about the Visitor Center, we went in and watched the
15 minute movie about the explosion. It was done really well and filled
up our information buckets. Following that we were able to catch a quick discussion by
a Park Ranger outside who tried to convey the magnitude of the Mountain Eruption. My
attempt to do so would be feable so I highly recommend you to visit
this on your own. We finished up our stay at St Helen’s
with a quick walk around the grounds admiring the plantlife which is reclaiming
its’ natural habitat.
We hopped back in the car and
headed west to I-5 which we hit in a little more than an hour. Instead
of heading back north to Seattle we, continued our direction in the morning and
kept going south towards the Rose City of Portland. Continuing our “Day
with Nature” taking the by-route near PDX and heading west on I-84 to
visit Multnomah Falls.
On the drive
“up the Gorge” along the Columbia River, we noticed a number of little waterfalls
that lined I-84. To say we were in awe would have been
an understatement as these types of things just simply aren’t found (too frequently)
in New England.
When we pulled off of the freeway, we were
in awe of the 620 foot waterfall. It was obvious that this was Oregon’s most
visited attraction as parking was tight. Feeling good about adding to the 2million number of
visitors a year, we hiked up the path to the bridge and shot some
great pictures of the Falls. On the way back down, we battled
the crowds getting ice cream and soft drinks to get souvenirs for the
grandkids back home. It was a
little after 4pm now and we were beginning to get a bit hungry having
forgone lunch en route to St. Helen’s. We started driving west toward Portland (after a nightmare
trying to leave the Multnomah Falls Parking lot) when our favorite child informed us that
we were going to be having dinner with some family friends in Portland
who we haven’t seen in two years. We picked up two sixers of beer and
some flowers and made our way to their house in Northwest Portland. A wonderful meal
of grilled salmon was cooked and many drinks were had over fun conversation when
the wise chexfan suggested it was time to head back to Seattle
around 8:45p. It was such a good and unexpected time but we were
sad to depart.
We got back to the Homewood Suites shortly before midnight and made
plans for chexy to call US when we awoke on Monday morning.
I guess we just wore him out during our first two days in
the Pacific Northwest! Monday July 1- Seattle Day
Our day began with another quick drive by tour of
Queen Anne and Capital Hill. We were excited to go see the Japanese Gardens but
were sadly dissappointed to find out that they were closed on Mondays. Luckily, someone was
there cleaning up and after a plea of being tourists, gave us 15 minutes
(which turned into almost 30) of exploring the gardens. From here we
drove actoss the Montlake Cut and around the U-District.We made our way across
the 520 bridge.
We were heading to Woodinville for the 1pm tour at the Red Hook
Brewery. Our intelligent son chexy, found out that during the summer, they
expand their tours to 3 times during the week and on the hour
on the weekends.
Having received too many postcards from the Brewery we were quite excited to
see what draws him there so frequently. The tour, was very informative and the beer
was free-flowing! For doing the Ballard High School cheer, our lil chexy won a Red
Hook hat! He was so surprised at actually winning something tangible. Usually he said,
he would just get a free pint afterwards!!! Following the tour we
had lunch at the restaurant and the food was uniquely good for being
in a pub.
Exiting from Red Hook, we
made the decision to go and visit the Chateau St. Michelle Winery which is truly
just across the street. Besides the wineries in Stonington, CT we haven’t been to
one since we visited Napa about 6 years ago. The three of
us enjoyed the tour and tasting as we ended up bringing 6 bottles
home with us.
Our lil chexy dropped us
off at the Hoemwood Suites around 4p and he promised to pick
us up @ 6. He needed sometime to get ready for his upcoming
trip to Bangkok. The
chexmobile arrived a little after 6pm and we were off to Safeco Field
to see the Mariners play the Kansas City Royals. We discussed among ourselves and realized
that it had been 20+ years since we actually went to a night
game. We make it a habbit of trying to make a trip up to Fenway
at least twice a year and to Yankee Stadium every other year or so, but
they have always been for day games. As we approached the stadium we became
very excited. It’s one of the newer parks as you know and
with a team doing well, the environment was a fun one to be
a part of.
We took our
seats in the first row of the left field bleachers about 10 minutes before the
first pitch. There wasn’t anything we could complain about. The seats were great and
even the ballpark hotdogs were edible! Lil chexy’s friends Qip and D6
showed up midway through the first inning and the five of us had
a good time.
The Mariners
were beating the Royals pretty good when we decided to leave the game in
the 8th inning. We thanked our lil chexy for our third consecutive
fun day in the Pacific Northwest as he dropped us off at the
Homewood around 10:30pm. Tuesday July 2- Seattle Day
We made the 10 minute walk up
to Seattle Center and ambled around there taking in the tourist activities and checking out
the Space Needle gift store. As we were making our way back to the
hotel, we saw the chexmobile pull up. Perfect timing. Our lil chexy
is so smart he knew exactly when we were going to arrive back
at the hotel!
He had a grin on his face from ear to ear and greeted
us with “Now, this is a beautiful day!” And it was. We hopped in the
car and made our way across the I-90 bridge. As we got on the bridge,
our knowledgeable son said, “Now get ready for this…” At that moment, all 14,410
feet of Mount Ranier popped out of nowhere with perfect clarity. Our
mouths dropped as we were not expecting such a large mountain so close
to the city.
We continued our drive
out past Issaquah to our first destination of Snoqualmie Falls. Now this waterfall wasn’t
as picturesque as Multnomah Falls in Oregon, but this was a definitely
more impressive waterfall purely in terms of the magnitude and amount of the
water going through!
On our way out from the Falls, we made
our way through North Bend, past Mount Si and back heading west on
I-90 returning to Seattle. Another amazing view of Ranier was captured. Our lil chexy next
took us to Discovery Park. With a location on Magnolia right on Puget Sound, a
nice breeze greeted us at it started to warm up shortly before mid-day. After
30 minutes or so of walking around, we decided we were hungry.
We agreed to try some Thai food which chexy had been raving about
for some time.
We arrived back in Fremont for
lunch at Kwanjai, which looked nothing more than a shack. Our lil chexy gave us
the lecture of not judging the place based on it’s looks but rather the
price and taste of the food. He sure was right! Whatever he
ordered for us, it sure tasted quite yummy and we became instant fans
of Thai cuisine!
From lunch we again drove through Ballard along the
same way we went to Ray’s. We actually drove past our Saturday dining spot and
ended up at the Golden Gardens Park and Beach right on Puget sound. Here,
we simply strolled along the sidewalks lining the beach out to the
point. It was some good excersize to burn off the Thai food we
had for lunch!
The temperature had been warming up all day and it
was the hottest of our stay in Seattle. After, Golden Gardens we made
our way back to the Homewood Suites. We parked the car and the three of
us walked up to Seattle Center. We stopped at a Starbucks on the way and
we got a tasty coffee drink to cool us off. We approached the Space
Needle and joined the queue to go up to the observation deck.
It took us about 15 minutes to reach the ticket counter where we
purchased three tickets.
We had been itching to get to
the top of the Space Needle since our arrival into Seattle. However, our
smart lil chexy kept pushing it off. He just knew a better, clearer day would
come to us. And it did. The view from the top of the Space Needle
was incredible and I am glad that we really pushed the visit back until
the weather was as clear as it was! Ranier was visible as
were the Cascades and the Olympics. It was a great way to close
our Seattle Sightseeing.
On the way out of the Space Needle, we spent some time at the
gift shop but didn’t buy anything. It was approaching 4:30 noa as we walked
back down to the Homewood Suites. We thanked our lil chexy for
another great day of sightseeing, and he promised to pick us up around
7:30 for dinner.
Since chexy was so kind and generous in being our personal chauffeur on our trip
as well as taking care of our hotel with his hard earned points
and miles, we offered to take he and his friends out for pizza and beer
on our last evening in Seattle. We arrived at Zeke’s Pizza on Phinney Ridge around
7:45 and a couple of the commune members from Paradise Ranch were there waiting
for us. The pizza was quite tasty and the beer was good
as we enjoyed our last night in Seattle with our son and his
best (non-FlyerTalking) friends!
Following dinner we were dropped off at the
Homewood Suites where we arranged w/ chexy for the morning’s pickup to head
to the airport! Wednesday July 3- Time to Go
Our pick up
was prompt and on time. The drive to the airport was quick and uneventful. We
parked in his long-term spot at Ajax and the courtesy shuttle took us
to checkin. We decided since we had enough time to get off w/ chexy at
his stop. As it was time for our lil chexy to head off to the
North Terminal, we said our goodbyes. We thanked our lil chexy for a wonderful
time in the Pacific Northwest. We truly had an amazing time and
it was after our stay why we realised why chexfan loves living in
Seattle so much!
To finish out our trip, our check-in, security wait and flights to CVG and
BDL were uneventful. It was good to make it back home to
Connecticut, but we think we miss the Pacific Northwest already! We’re already planning
our next trip!
We got to the airport about 80 minutes before
our flight. Having no status, the “regular” lines were bearable with a mere 8 minute
check-in time. We checked two bags and headed to our gate. Departure from BDL was
on time but somehow we ended up arriving late into CVG. Our connection was
timed perfectly. As we approached our gate for our SEA flight boarding
was just beginning. We got on the plane at the appropriate time and
took our seats.
Lil chexy told us to ring
him to get our Saturday started. I guess he was thinking we would sleep in a little later
than we did and he didn’t expect our call at 7:45a. He managed to show
up at our hotel room around 9:30 with a plate of food from
the continental breakfast being served in the main area next to the lobby. After he
ingested his breaky, we left the hotel and we greeted by a very sunny yet
cool day. It was probably around 65 which was a complete shock to us
as it had been in the 90s with high humidity in Connecticut
earlier in the week. We hopped in his chexmobile and let the chauffeur
drive us around.
Our Pacific Northwest Tour Guide arrived promptly and on schedule at 9am.
He came in and took some light snacks from the Homewood’s Continental
breakfast and we were on the Highway heading south on I-5 in a
matter of minutes.
We awoke to another beautiful day in Seattle. All this talk of
being a gray and rainy city is just bunk in our opinion! Our amazing, astounding
tour guide came to pick us up and he was quick to point out that
the weather still wasn’t “beautiful”. “Nice” but not “Beautiful”. He went on to explain
that the ocean layer around the city had rendered visibility of the
Cascades and the Olympics to nill. But, hey, the sun was out so
we were happy.
Chexy called
us around 8:30 explaining that he would need some time to get ready for his
trip and to locate his passport which got misplaced during his recent move. In
the meantime we were itching to get outside b/c today HAD to
be a “beautiful” day as the Olympics were popping out to us from
our bedroom window!
We weren’t scheduled to leave Seattle until 8:30am. However we decided
we could kill time at the airport if we left early w/
our lil chexy as his flight to Bangkok left an hour and a
half before ours. Home Trip Reports Index Whine And Cheez Index Discussion Forums
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